Out of total 557 projects worth Rs. 25 lakh cr; the government has managed to resolve pending issues of 186 projects of almost Rs. 7 lakh cr. A total of 371 projects of investment worth Rs. 18lakh cr are still waiting for resolution of pending issues with various ministries and departments. Projects monitoring group is working on it.
In spite of formation of various committees and efforts, the overall attempt of the government to revive mega projects remains a real task.
Gift City project, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Rs 78,000 crore, over 90 unresolved power projects of Rs 5,41,000 crore, 110 coal unresolved projects due to legal issues, Rs 12,000-crore Delhi Aerocity project, Rs 22,587-crore Essar Steel complex in Orissa, Rs 42,345 crore Raigarh expansion project, Sterlite Energy’s Rs 12,000-crore project are some of the stalled projects in the list.
Early clearances from environment and land departments would clear these stalled projects; which would eventually boost investments and lead to a rise in bank credit off-take.
194 new project proposals from sectors like power, cement, real estate, road, automobile, oil etc, each with a minimum investments of Rs. 250 cr and consolidated investments of almost Rs. 5lakh cr also have been submitted with various banks.
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